“The world of Jill Ciment’s stories is a little bit like Krazy Kats Kokomino County: wildly comic, surreal, and likely to change completely from frame to frame right under the characters’ feet. Her people are artists brought to absurd circumstances by their faith in art, lovers brought low by the persistent (and often one-sided) love. But the characters who populate Small Claims are by no means pathetic; rather, they moved and charmed me with their hope, their wide-eyed generosity, their slightly screwy grace. This may be a world of small claims, but it is also one of high ideals, and in mapping it Jill Ciment shows herself to be a writer whose own claims are the largest.” ~ David Leavitt
“Ciment displays a deft touch for the little ironies and unspoken hurts her appealing characters bump up against... Inspiring without being cloy. Small Claims will easily lay claim to the heart.” ~ Kansas City Star
“A sparkling collection... all infused with an offbeat, surreal and genuinely fresh sense of humor.” ~ The Dallas Times-Herald
“Small Claims has such a lively quirky charm and refreshing vision that it is likely to claim a large audience for this offbeat, captivating book.” ~ The Baltimore Sun
“Small Claims implores us to see the world its way, to recognize a kinship, to justify a life by acknowledging a valuable specialness.” ~ The Los Angeles Times